How does Yokogawa AAI143 Input Module work?

The Yokogawa AAI143 Input Module is a digital input module designed for use with Yokogawa’s Centum VP and DCS3000 control systems. It is used to acquire analog input signals from various sensors and transmitters, such as thermocouples, RTDs, and voltage signals.

Here’s an overview of how the AAI143 Input Module works:


The AAI143 Input Module is a 16-channel digital input module that can accept a variety of analog input signals. It can handle inputs from thermocouples, RTDs, and voltage signals, and convert them into digital signals that can be read by the control system.

**Signal Acquisition:**

The module acquires analog input signals through a 16-channel analog input card, which is installed in the module. The card consists of 16 individual analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that sample the input signals at a rate of up to 100 times per second.

**Signal Conditioning:**

The AAI143 Input Module provides signal conditioning capabilities for the acquired analog signals. This includes functions such as:

1. Amplification: The module can amplify the input signals to ensure they are within the optimal range for measurement.
2. Filtering: The module can apply filtering to the signals to remove noise and other unwanted disturbances.
3. Offset and Gain Adjustment: The module allows for offset and gain adjustments to be made for each channel, allowing for precise calibration of the input signals.

**Digital Conversion:**

The conditioned analog signals are then converted into digital signals using the ADCs on the module. The digital values are then stored in the module’s internal memory.


The AAI143 Input Module communicates with the control system using a standard communication protocol, such as Modbus or ASCII.


The AAI143 Input Module offers several features that make it suitable for use in industrial control systems, including:

1. High-precision measurement: The module provides high-precision measurement capabilities, with an accuracy of ±0.1% FS.
2. Wide temperature range: The module can operate over a wide temperature range of -20°C to +60°C.
3. Low power consumption: The module consumes low power, making it suitable for use in battery-powered systems.
4. High reliability: The module is designed with redundancy features to ensure high reliability and minimize downtime.

Overall, the Yokogawa AAI143 Input Module is a versatile and reliable solution for acquiring analog input signals in industrial control systems. Its high-precision measurement capabilities, wide temperature range, and low power consumption make it suitable for use in a variety of applications.